Day In the Life of an HNC Student: Alexandra Hansen

Alexandra Hansen, Certificate '18, shares a typical day as a student at the Hopkins-Nanjing Center. She keeps busy with her classes, extracurricular activities, and late-night Chinese BBQ. 
7:30am – I wake up early to grab breakfast with my roommate at the 餐厅. I love the HNC’s breakfast, they often have pancakes, soya milk, steamed dumplings, 馅饼, eggs, and fruit.

8:00am – My roommate and I walk to the East Building to attend Critical Developments in American History. We take this class together, and often have late night talks on the class’s content. Today, Professor Joe Renouard introduces us to the Bill of Rights.

HNC East Building

9:30am – I walk to my Chinese Foreign Policy class. This is one of the most popular classes at the HNC. Today, Professor Cai Jiahe’s lecture is on Chinese foreign policy during the Cold War era.

11:30pm – After class, I head to the cafeteria for lunch. I eat with a few friends and talk about what we did over Fall Break.

Lunch at the cafeteria

12:00pm – I have my very first Johns Hopkins SAIS Observer meeting! The SAIS Observer is a newspaper written, edited and produced by the students of Johns Hopkins SAIS. Today we brainstorm article ideas, and discuss international affairs and current events.

1:00pm – Anthropology and Chinese Society begins. Professor Fan Ke leads a class discussion on African migration to Guangzhou, China.

2:30pm – Wow, I’m done with all my classes for the week! To prepare for Monday, I start reading for my US & China: Cross Cultural Dialogue class in the library.

Studying at the HNC Library

5:00pm – After a long day of classes and meetings, I head to an off-campus gym with a friend to workout.

6:30pm – Dinnertime! I pick up some noodles from a place down the road from the HNC. It was my first time trying the restaurant; I will definitely be going there again!

Walking to the noodle shop
7:00pm – I research different job opportunities on the SAISworks portal and update my resume.

10:30pm – My stomach is growling, so I meet up with friends to get some Chinese BBQ (串儿) from a nearby street vendor! Yum!

Chinese BBQ

12:30am – I talk with my roommate about what she did today, and we discuss our plans for the weekend. I fall asleep, ready to explore Nanjing tomorrow!


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