
Showing posts from April, 2018

Moot Court at the Hopkins-Nanjing Center

Student blogger Alexandra Hansen introduces the HNC moot court teams and reflects on her experience competing. HNC students (left of center) pose with a competing team and a panel of judges after the first round of the Price Monroe Media Law Moot Court Competition. This past semester, I had the privilege of taking part in the Price Monroe Media Law Moot Court Competition. Prior to coming to the Hopkins-Nanjing Center (HNC), I had never heard about moot court. However, after an informative lecture held by Professor Thomas Simon, I was excited to get involved in an activity that would challenge me to develop my critical thinking and public speaking skills. Moot court is a popular activity here at the HNC. For those who are not familiar with its protocol, moot court is usually a law school activity and competition during which students participate in preparing and arguing international law cases in front of judges. Each moot court competition focuses on a different aspect of law and requi...

Faculty Spotlight: Professor Zhang Haiyan

Last week I sat down with one of my favorite professors here at the Hopkins-Nanjing Center, Professor Zhang (张海燕). Professor Zhang teaches China’s Development & Environment , as well as a new course this semester called Environmental-Economic System Analysis , a class where students can quantitatively analyze environmental issues from the perspective of system analysis. We spoke about her background in environmental science, her experience working at the HNC, and the importance of studying the global environment.   1) 首先请您介绍一下您在中美中心教什么课? 我现在在中美中心教两门课。第一门是在秋季学期的 “中国的发展与环境” (China’s Development and Environment)。这是一门给大家介绍中国在发展过程中面临的资源、能源和环境问题的课程,也是中国学课程的一门。这门课在介绍环境管理学基础理论、中国环境监管体系和基本环境政策的基础上,分八个专题深入讨论不同的环境问题,比如城镇化的环境影响、污染转移等。目前,我正在开的新课叫“环境经济系统分析” (Environmental-Economic System Analysis)。这是一门环境政策分析的基础方法课程,介绍大家可能会用到环境政策分析的方法。比如说生态足迹 (ecological footprint)、碳足迹 (carbon footprint)核算、环境影响的的驱动力分析和环境风险分析等等。我希望通过该课程的学习为学生提供系统分析环境问题的toolbox。 2) 接下来,您可以介绍个人研究背景,研究兴趣。您是如何来到中美中心? 我是南京大学本科毕业,学的...

Summer Internship in DC

 Amanda Bogan, MAIS '18, shares her experience of interning in D.C. at the Congressional-Executive Commission on China during her summer between her first and second year in Nanjing.   While studying for my Master’s degree at the HNC, I have access to a wide range of professional development and internship experiences. As a member of the HNC community, I am regularly learning about new work and internship opportunities through the Career Services Center, the HNC alumni network, and casual conversations with classmates about their own experiences. In this post, I’ll be sharing about my experience last summer interning in D.C. with the Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC), while also giving some advice about finding, applying to and making the most out of any internship opportunity. I became interested in doing work for the CECC ever since first learning about it from a conversation with the HNC’s Career Counselor, Robbie Shields.  After doing some of my own ...

Hiking Xuanwu Lake

Student blogger Emily Rivera, HNC Certificate ’18, writes about her experience hiking around Xuanwu Lake with a local hiking group: 南京徒步爱好群. Pictured with the hiking group: 南京徒步爱好群. Before coming to Nanjing, I had an image in my head of what I thought the city might be like. I had studied the history of China and I knew where to find Nanjing on a map, but as the date of my arrival to Nanjing grew closer, I realized I knew very little of the city I would call home for the year. So, I took to the Internet to learn more about Nanjing. During my searches, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that by 2018, as part of a larger project to fight pollution in cities in China, construction on two skyscrapers called the Nanjing Green Towers will be complete.  (Read more about this here ).   Another group photo right before breaking for lunch Nanjing presents a unique opportunity to live in a city surrounded by natural beauty, such as the famous Purple Mountain and Xuanwu Lake. Several ...