
Showing posts from January, 2017

HNC Application Deadline: February 1

The HNC Application deadline is just one week away! All application materials must be submitted by 11:59pm EST on February 1. Click here to access your application. Last Virtual Info Session before the Application Deadline Have questions about your application, financial aid or what happens after you hit ‘submit’? Join us for the last virtual session before the application deadline. Admissions representatives will be going through each section of the application and sharing useful tips. The info session will be held on Wednesday, January 25 at 12:00-1:00pm EST . RSVP by clicking here or, at the scheduled time, click here and login as a guest. As you make the final touches on your application, check out past blog posts for application tip s . If you have additional questions about your application or would like to speak with an admissions representative, email . 

HNC Chinese Student Interview: Wu Ye

中美中心的中国学生采访: 我情爱的室友,吴叶 为了让大家认识中外学生在中美中心生活相处的情况,我很早就想找机会访问我的室友,吴叶。虽然在大学时我也有室友,但是我觉得在中心的情况是非常不同。因为在中心,大多数的外国学生会跟一位中国学生同住在一个寝室里。我们每天都有机会讨论课业和生活琐事,也会一起面临外语作业的挑战。因此我们需要互相扶持。我的室友吴叶帮我更了解中国文化并帮助我处理一些生活上的小细节。因此,我和吴叶的关系比我和以前的室友更密切。有一位这样的室友让我每天在中心更愉快! Since coming to the HNC, I’ve been wanting to give people an idea of what it’s like to live here with a roommate who I happen to get along with remarkably well. Though I also lived with roommates during my undergrad years, the living situation here at the HNC has some notable differences.  Most international students at the HNC are paired with a Chinese roommate, so two students from different cultural backgrounds share the same dorm room and everyday living space. This also gives us the opportunity to practice speaking on a regular basis in our target language, and to help each other with class assignments and editing final papers.  My roommate, Wu Ye, has given me a better understanding of the Chinese language, Chinese culture, and regul...

Sports at the HNC

I walked across the basketball court toward the crowd of HNC students standing on the sideline.  It was Friday night and we were at the last game of Nanjing University’s basketball season. As we formed a student section, the HNC team warmed up for the basketball game that would soon begin. In Chinese universities, athletic seasons usually revolve around competitions between teams from each department. Earlier in the semester, they formed the annual中美中心 basketball team. Our team had made it to the final tournament matchup and was set to play the physics team. Players on our team included both international and Chinese students that hailed from as far as California, USA to Henan, China.  Every year, HNC’s sports interest groups are dependent on students that start them. Within this semester, multiple workout interest groups have emerged, adding on to student life on campus. HNC’s modest fitness center is equipped with essential athletic gear for activities such as weightlifting,...

Farewell to 2016

The Hopkins-Nanjing Center bids a fond farewell to 2016, the year we celebrated our 30th anniversary and our role as the longest running Sino-American joint education program in China. As we toast the beginning of 2017, we also thank the many people who celebrated the HNC’s achievements in 2016 with comments like the following: I have often heard it said – perhaps because I have said it so often myself: the China-U.S. relationship is the most important in the world….And our leaders are more likely to act wisely if the American and Chinese people continue to learn about each other, communicate with each other, and make the effort to better understand one another through institutions such as the Hopkins-Nanjing Center.                              Madeleine K. Albright                         ...